HelixCash don't pay?

way i see it im not relying on this getting paid anytime soon, so not really pushing helix or 8teenboy for time being. once they do i will again

Last Payment: January 15th, 2020 , and today it just hit my bank.

That’s great news, they owed you a huge swack of money. I’m still waiting, but I’m hopeful now that I see this.

One payment down, but 5 to go. Hopefully I will not have to wait so long until the next payment

It shouldn’t be this hard to get paid, just saying. Everybody gets paid before me at Blu lol.

Oh … I thought you got the whole $6300. Too bad.

sadly no. Account Balance: $5,938.01

Wrote an email a week ago, no reply .

I was finally paid yesterday, completely up to date as of the Jan 16 period.

Glad it got resolved, shame it took so long


Did you get any reply via mail ?

Did you set your payout metode to paypal ?

Mine is wire. and I am still missing the 5900$

I did change my method of payment from Paxum to Paypal as I had heard Helix was having problems funding their Paxum account.
I did not get any reply to any of my emails except one reply from an ex-model who works in admin, I forget his name.

Glad you got paid ! Did the “Verification Required” email come from @helixcash.com , becoz I am trying to change mine. But I do not get any mail to comfirm the change from Wire to Paypal :frowning:

All these loops to get paid :frowning:

Yes, I got the authorization emails. Perhaps check your spam folder or trash bin. These generally make it through to me, but I can see them being dumped in spam.

They never hit my mailbox. But Mike at xxxhostit fixed it. So changed my payout to Paypal.

Now I have one pending payout with Paypal.

and 6 pending with wires.

Stilll no reply via mail from Keith .

neverending story

ok. I got paid via Paypal now. Helix takes 5$ for the transfer ( thats fine ) , Paypal takes 35$ . But the wire transfer from Paypal to CC is free :slight_smile:

Sadly still got 5900$ pending in wire payment

What was the last payment you received?

I wish everyone was more like you Mark!!

Stored: 2020-02-03 - Payment send: 2020-02-17

Thank you, I did not receive payment for 2020-01-01 and I did not receive a response.

You have your payment set to Paypal ?