What web publishing program do you use?

I’ve been using Netobjects for years and it seems very robust and to have everything I need.

Is there anything better and more dynamic out there? What web publishing program do you use?

Re: What web publishing program do you use?

I started with Adobe PageMill back in 1999 or so, then graduated to Frontpage. When I got tired of my pages only looking good in IE I switched to Dreamweaver and never looked back. I love it, in fact, I’d like to upgrade to the latest version as I haven’t done so for a few years.


Re: What web publishing program do you use?

Thanks for your input. I downloaded Dreamweaver and Fireworks demos today. From the demo video it looks like Dreamweaver is one monster of a program but has everything you could think of.

Was it hard to learn?

I’m interested in finding out what publishing programs people use as I’m seriously looking into transitioning to a more robust program.

Re: What web publishing program do you use?

RE: dreamweaver and fireworks: I managed to figure it out, and I still can’t get a grip on the photoshop program at all.

Re: What web publishing program do you use?

I didn’t have a big problem learning Dreamweaver. I think once you’ve learned one it’s not too difficult to figure out another. I found Frontpage harder to learn because they just seemed to do things in a weird way.


Re: What web publishing program do you use?

I use Dreamweaver or otherwise do it by hand.


Re: What web publishing program do you use?

I’ve always loved Dreamweaver, but I just discovered Adobe’s Go Live. Looks promising.

I looked at Photoshop about 7 years ago and couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Looking at it again now and I LOVE it! The right book makes all the difference.

Re: What web publishing program do you use?

I usually just do it all through ftp. Just edit and upload it. However, I have messed around with Dreamweaver and I like it. I’m really into doing things the old fashioned way though. Most times I find the pages don’t look similar enough in different browsers when I use those programs. Dreamweaver is better than most though I must say.

I started off using Frontpage years ago. I was also sick and tired of the pages only looking good in IE. lol When in doubt, do it yourself I say.

Re: What web publishing program do you use?

Dreamweaver and by hand.

Fireworks for any graphics.

Its a really good package and I wouldnt change it for anything!

Re: What web publishing program do you use?

Ok I’m here today in Dreamweaver
trying to wrap my head around it
and all I have to say is

Re: What web publishing program do you use?

Don’t get excited about Go Live …

“Adobe plans to stop development and sales of Adobe® GoLive® 9 software, its legacy web authoring application, on April 28, 2008. We will instead focus development and sales resources on our market-leading web design and development application, Adobe Dreamweaver®.”


Re: What web publishing program do you use?

Dreamweaver all the way!

Re: What web publishing program do you use?

Dreamweaver, and fireworks. Never could get photoshop but love my dreamweaver…

… oh and the program dreamweaver too… whistle