The Fratmen Phoenix Party

I saw an announcement on this forum that Flirt4Free and Fratmen teamed up to throw a party during the Phoenix Forum a few weeks ago. I wanted to ask if anyone on the board was there and if so did you happen to hit up the Fratmen guys about some of the complaints voiced in this forum (lack of promo tools, communication with affiliates, etc.). If so, what was their response?

Re: The Fratmen Phoenix Party

I was there but didn’t actually meet anyone from Fratmen. It was actually mostly straight companies/people that attended the party (probably because of Flirt4Free). They did serve some great food though.

Re: The Fratmen Phoenix Party

Nice pad, but I gotta say that the party was a bit weird. It was like crashing someone’s place who hadn’t quite moved in yet. I didn’t see any models (although they were purportedly there). Fratmen guys were definitely not there. Or if they were they didn’t make much of a splash.
But yeah, great view from the balcony, good gnosh, and while it lasted… good cocktails. Running out of vodka at a gay after-hours party is tantamount to murder. :slight_smile: