Sidebar Banners

Curious, but do you rotate out your sidebar banners or leave them in place until your ratios drop?

In other words, do you rotate them, add new ones on a regular basis for the sidebar or leave them in place. Plus do you use text links with them, or leave it as just graphics?

Re: Sidebar Banners

I havent done much with sidebar banners yet. I will be adding some pretty big ones on the new gaydemon, but all banners I use are on rotation through a banner software.

I simply then look at statistics for the last 3-6 months and delete the banners with the lowest amount of click vs banner view ratio.

Re: Sidebar Banners

[quote=gaydemon;4586]I havent done much with sidebar banners yet. I will be adding some pretty big ones on the new gaydemon, but all banners I use are on rotation through a banner software.

I simply then look at statistics for the last 3-6 months and delete the banners with the lowest amount of click vs banner view ratio.[/quote]

I am wondering, are these rotating banner scripts/sites really worth the effort? I have one running on one blog, and while it is easy to update, and all, I do notice a bit of a lag at times. Just like at the various forums, news agencies, that use ad rotating servers to put up the different ads, they (at times) seem to really hang up the load time.

Sort of venting here, but I think the average surfer gets tired of waiting for stuff to show, specially if its ads. But then I am an impatient bitch. whistle

Re: Sidebar Banners

Run ad software for sure. Gives you a great idea as to the value of your real estate space.

Re: Sidebar Banners

[QUOTE=Gaystoryman;4604]I am wondering, are these rotating banner scripts/sites really worth the effort? I have one running on one blog, and while it is easy to update, and all, I do notice a bit of a lag at times. Just like at the various forums, news agencies, that use ad rotating servers to put up the different ads, they (at times) seem to really hang up the load time.

Sort of venting here, but I think the average surfer gets tired of waiting for stuff to show, specially if its ads. But then I am an impatient bitch. whistle[/QUOTE]

Hi Gaystoryman,

Your banner rotating script does it rely on a php include? within the page / file you are showing the banner?

Php includes are known to be quite slow because far as I know there is a lookup done on them as if the included file was an actual website itself… (very basically put)

If so try using <?php @readfile (‘example-file.php’); ?> instead … much faster !!

In some extreme cases though when you are running more dynamic code within the file to include the hyperlinks can get lost off with that method…

But in 90% of all cases that works just fine…

Infact you can all try it who use includes and see what the results are :wink:

Re: Sidebar Banners

[quote=Andyr;4789]Hi Gaystoryman,

Your banner rotating script does it rely on a php include? within the page / file you are showing the banner?

Php includes are known to be quite slow because far as I know there is a lookup done on them as if the included file was an actual website itself… (very basically put)

If so try using <?php @readfile (‘example-file.php’); ?> instead … much faster !!

In some extreme cases though when you are running more dynamic code within the file to include the hyperlinks can get lost off with that method…

But in 90% of all cases that works just fine…

Infact you can all try it who use includes and see what the results are ;)[/quote]

Oh geez, another code jockey lol Hey I am blond, like only thing I know about includes is does that come with fries or coleslaw… :smiley:

I actually think it does, it’s some script that came with the theme, but I am rather thinking I’d like to just keep my banners static, instead of constantly swapping them.

And welcome to the joint. :cool:

Re: Sidebar Banners

Hahaha “fries or coleslaw”

Only thing I can surggest then if you want static banners is to find where those includes are and replace them with a standard hyperlinked banner img.

Post here or PM me a copy of your sidebar code and let’s see if I can identify it and give you an example of what your wanting to do if you wish.

And thanks for the welcome :slight_smile:

Re: Sidebar Banners

[quote=Andyr;4810]Hahaha “fries or coleslaw”

Only thing I can surggest then if you want static banners is to find where those includes are and replace them with a standard hyperlinked banner img.

Post here or PM me a copy of your sidebar code and let’s see if I can identify it and give you an example of what your wanting to do if you wish.

And thanks for the welcome :)[/quote]

Appreciate the offer, but I got the fix happening, i was just curious how many non code jocks swap em or not. You code jocks should have your own ‘niche’, hmm, wonder if it would sell? code jocks in bondage, code jocks first date, geez, I can see it now… lol