Should porn links open in same window or new?

Having a hard time with this on some of our properties whether or not links to sponsors open in a new window or the same window. What do you think?

Definitely open them in a new window. It makes it easier for them to return to the main site without having to endlessly click the “back” button. It also makes it so that they will come back to your site later since it will still be saved in the tabs.


All the above, plus there’s a chance it will change what’s considered a bounce and possibly increase time on site for analytics etc.

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Absolutely go with new window, for all of the reasons the other guys stated. You don’t want them leaving your site. If they don’t want whatever is on the new window they will likely return to your site and keep looking around.



For me as an affiliate I want people to go to the sponsor so in most cases I have sponsor links opening in the same window. It’s also something people are used too, it’s standard behavior (I’m a bit anal about following user convention).

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