Payout problems, next step?

Re: Payout problems, next step?

The only thing that has ever worked is to tell them Im going to out them on the boards.
I paid an adult site firm $1,100 to make a site for me and a year later I still never got it. It was a year of them blowing me off and me chasing after them. The owner said he was having a hard time financially, meanwhile he’s on the boards acting like he’s very successful and has all this money (I later learned that being broke but acting rich on the boards is common).

Finally after a year I said you have 5 days to give me my money back or Im making threads everywhere. I dont care if you have to give blowjobs to homeless guys under a bridge, I want my money back within 5 days.
I would send them a daily reminder…4 days left. 3 days left.
Bam, I got my money back.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

ok, yes I would agree - boards is a good way. But I’m more thinking if boards dont work or they dont care. I guess then its down to a lawsuit, but from my experinace thats expensive.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

To me it depends on the situation…

I cried fowl pretty quickly when Helix bounced a $50 check on me (that should never happen - it’s what overdraft protection is for - especially at that amount)…

But a couple of months ago I contacted a sponsor who hadn’t paid - took weeks to get a response back and then they had no clue they owed me money. I documented it for them, got a response they’d look into it and once again weeks before they responded. It all came out OK in the end, but I’m wondering whether they’ll be more on top of things in the future. They run a lot of sites so I’m finding it surprising they’re so disorganized…

Neither case was big money - that would be a factor as well. IMO, the more of your money they’re holding the quicker they should respond.

I know sponsors have issues - like fraud on certain accounts where they’ve done payouts and then get a ton of chargebacks… And they may not want to share with affiliates what they’re going through, but ultimately the more honest they are with the good affiliates the better it is for everyone (IMHO)…

Re: Payout problems, next step?

[QUOTE=MrMax;14935]The only thing that has ever worked is to tell them Im going to out them on the boards.
I paid an adult site firm $1,100 to make a site for me and a year later I still never got it. It was a year of them blowing me off and me chasing after them. The owner said he was having a hard time financially, meanwhile he’s on the boards acting like he’s very successful and has all this money (I later learned that being broke but acting rich on the boards is common).

Finally after a year I said you have 5 days to give me my money back or Im making threads everywhere. I dont care if you have to give blowjobs to homeless guys under a bridge, I want my money back within 5 days.
I would send them a daily reminder…4 days left. 3 days left.
Bam, I got my money back.[/QUOTE]

A good idea but if it doesn’t works I think it is all about the amount of money. If it is a big amount talk to a lawyer about what to do.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

If you expose them on the boards then you might gather together some other people who are owed. Perhaps you could then approach them as a group with the threat of taking legal course of action.

Also, what about contacting the processor and seeking their advice. Processors like to keep their reputations squeaky clean, so perhaps they’d be more responsive.


Re: Payout problems, next step?

The boards are also a way to warn the community so we don’t experience the loss that you are experiencing.

Every day you remain silent could be more money out of someone else’s pocket who isn’t aware of the problem

The threat of multiple affiliates banning a sponsor could easily be of greater consequence then the threat of a lawsuit, and hits their pocket more quickly then a judgment would. :smiley:

Re: Payout problems, next step?

Does Gay Demon get many submissions from people advertising this sponsor? The threat of not allowing sites advertising them could hit them were really hurts…

Re: Payout problems, next step?

You have to go very very carefull with that. Board posting is a last resort when your attempts to resolve an issue have totally failed. This place should never become a place to lynch mob people. Ive seen many times people being falsely accused on boards and have been on the recieving end of it. Thats why webmasters always ask people to try to resolve the issue first then only post when sure of their facts.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

PrideAccess owes me money and has for a long time :smiley:

Re: Payout problems, next step?

I give Bjorn more credit then that. I think he would use the board as a last resort, as I would.

So many times, again and again, someone posts information to late and tons of people post that they’ve had the same problem and didn’t want to say anything. It’s good to learn from your mistakes, and the mistakes of others.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

You have to be careful. If they owe you a lot of money and out them on the boards first, then it can be get much harder to collect.

If it’s the money that one is really after, and it’s a lot of money, then I would send them a final letter demanding what they owe. If they didn’t pay, then sue them, and hope like hell once you get a lawyer involved that they will decide to pay. Then decide if you want to out them and how bad. but, if it’s a ton of money and you really want it, outing them may not be the best bet at first, especially if you later decide to sue them. Lawyers have a way of twisting everything you may say in open against you.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

I think it’s funny the way people on boards constantly talk about getting lawyers. I believe a lot of it is just that: talk. Number one it is very expensive and number two the program may even be based in a different country.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

Great, I just this month added a bunch of PrideAccess sites to my link list. :frowning: Would you let us know if you end up getting paid?

Re: Payout problems, next step?

i’d present them with an invoice for my sales and if it wasn’t paid and they were in the u.s., after a third invoice and strong letter, i’d take them to a collections agency. out of the u.s., it’s usually too expensive to mess with - which is how so many companies get away with it.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

Not really true. Banaguide sued that straight guys site that dumped all the affiliates. It really depends on how much someone woes you. If someone owed me 20k, i would get a lawyer in a heart beat. Depending on where the company is located, sendingthem to small claims court is not all that difficult. Hiring a lawyer to collect money is much more less costly than hiring a lawyer for other things. Very few companies want leins put on their assets.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

There’s too many people in the gay adult biz who rip off others.

The minute they start owing someone more than $1000 - maybe even $500 - it’s because they dipped their hands into the cookie jar… and need to be outed and blown out of the water.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

You’re a bad businessman if you let your acct receivables with any vendor get above one month, in this digital age with ACH, Wires, PayPal, ePassporte, Payoneer, etc.

More than one month - there’s a rip off happening. If you’re that important to them, that they’re making 2-3-4-5-times what they’re paying you, then chop off their nuts before making them one more $$.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

I don’t even think you need to sue. Just hiring a lawyer to write a strongly worded letter for a few hundred dollars will do the trick. People don’t want to go to court, it’s too costly.


Re: Payout problems, next step?

I do agree, people often say they are getting a lawyer or suing someone… but from my experiance its very expensive. Whenever I have employed one its cost me a great deal.

For example, my lawyer (UK Based) charges me $300-500 for a simple letter in regards to Gaydemon Trademarks and copyright infringments.

This is exactly why Im asking what the next step would be.

Sure, there is limit if someone ows me 20k, i wouldnt hesitate in getting a lawyer. But in my case its normally figures like $1000-3000, due to the fact I would have noticed by then if they stopped paying and stopped any traffic before it got higher than that.

Re: Payout problems, next step?

[QUOTE=dzinerbear;15134]I don’t even think you need to sue. Just hiring a lawyer to write a strongly worded letter for a few hundred dollars will do the trick. People don’t want to go to court, it’s too costly.


That works most of the time. However, I would write the letter and collect my money before i “out” the company. They are much more likely to pay.