Lucasentertainment promo content?

I’ve been getting their promotional content emails until September this year, but it seems that they stopped sending them.

Also in their NATS system I don’t see any new updates. The most recent ones are from 2014 or so. I see that some blogs post new updates from LucasEntertainment, so I wonder where they get the promo content from? Does anybody know?

Same. I told them about a month ago, they responded but nothing has been done about it. I don’t think there’s even a rep, I had to contact the accounting person.

Does this seem to be the trend? That content providers are switching to emails instead of updating the website? As I’m new, I’ve registered with a few that their NATS isn’t at all current. And even though I’ve supposedly opted in to the emails, I’m not getting anything (It’s been several weeks).

I guess I should reach out directly…

It’s very random who sends something out, some don’t bother at all and many don’t add anything to NATs.

The internal system within Nate is not good for marketing materials so I think that is why a lot of affiliate programs use their own system

The ‘news’ section in the lower left corner of the dashboard has recent newsletters listed, which include links to promo content. This seems to be the same content they used to send via e-mail but seem to have stopped doing.

thanks, I didnt notice that.