Looking for MOBILE sites

GayDemon’s Mobile Directory is doing very well but I need more sites! If you have a mobile site (with and affiliate program) and not already listed please contact me and I’ll get it listed and reviewed both on GayDemon.com and GayDemon Mobile.

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Hello Gaydemon,
our membership site http://selfshotboys.com have a mobile version at http://selfshotboys.mobi in partnership with spankmo. You can promote it signing up as affiliate at dudescash.com :slight_smile:

Let me know if you need custom promo tools.

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Hey Bjorn,

All of our StandAhead / BoyCrush / IndieBucks / Phoenixxx sites are mobile, with auto redirect with either your PPS or REV code.

EmoProfits should be mobile shortly too, and BritishBucks should be done completely in a month. - Then all is left is HunkMoney.

Ill keep you updated,


Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

hi - great to see you have many of our partner sites up there - emailing you on some updates - seems my regular newsletters not getting to you, thanks

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites


Xlovegay auto detects and directs mobile devices to our mobile version http://mobile.xlovegay.com/

No need for a mobile referral link :slight_smile: The Affiliate Program is ACWM.


Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Broke Straight Boys has a mobile version. :slight_smile:

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Hey mate .
Long time now chat. Here you go http://mobile.barebacked.com/
Your all signed up just need to grab the link code in my affiliate area

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Great, I was waiting for that. I’ll send you a message to arrange access.

[QUOTE=BBD;115739]Hey mate .
Long time now chat. Here you go http://mobile.barebacked.com/
Your all signed up just need to grab the link code in my affiliate area[/QUOTE]

Ok! I’ll need a login. Will send you a message.

Thanks, got your email!

[QUOTE=Richard;115699]Hey Bjorn,

All of our StandAhead / BoyCrush / IndieBucks / Phoenixxx sites are mobile, with auto redirect with either your PPS or REV code.

EmoProfits should be mobile shortly too, and BritishBucks should be done completely in a month. - Then all is left is HunkMoney.

Ill keep you updated,


I’ve got the following sites:

Twinkylious, Teach Twinks, Boy Crush, Bare Twinks, Phoenixxx, Gay Life Network

Any missing? Could you setup access to ones I don’t have?

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

We have mobile sites, I will do a search of what you already have listed and get back to you with a login for those you don’t have.

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Thanks, please do. I definitely have a few of them listed.

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Hi Bjorn,
It looks like JocksStudios.com, COLTStudioGroup.com and HotHouse.com and missing from your list.

If you’d like any specific promo materials or linking codes, please let me know.


Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Wow been a while since I posted here :wink:
I did a quick look and didn’t see our mobile sites listed.
We have 11 mobile sites.
Hit me up if you need anything to get these sites listed :slight_smile:

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Hi Bjorn!
I emailed you back in January about the mobile sites we have available but they have been updated since so here they are:



Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Did you get my pm with your new user name?

Re: Looking for MOBILE sites

Thanks for all the responses! Got a large list of sites to get done now. (also send you messages in response).