is this annual bad blog content week????

so far, half the pics i’ve gotten from different companies this week have been too dark, need massive color correction and some are also very grainy. and to add to the fun, i’ve never seen so many pics from so many sponsors where half of the models cock heads are cut off in the photo.

and then there’s the sets where half the pics are yellowish and half are full of magenta tones, so none of the pics match each other.

sponsors, please, send us useable pics!

Re: is this annual bad blog content week???

Gosh web size pics have to be very bad quality to be grainy. What ISO speed were they shot at? :open_mouth:

Re: is this annual bad blog content week???

there’s no EXIF info on almost any of them, but i suspect that some were shot on cheap digicams where even ISO 200 is grainy and ISO 400 is a nightmare. and some are grainy vidcaps, which i’m not sure i’ve ever seen before…