Is everyone losing traffic?

It’s weird! Every big established site is constantly losing traffic. At least it’s what alexa shows.

Here the link:

Looking BlakeMason and BrokeStraightBoys alone you can noticed better the huge drop in traffic.

What happens? It’s really weird :bang:

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

Isnt it more likely that less and less people are using the toolbar and more people are concerned about data about their surfing habbits being sent back?

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

Who want’s to install Alexa on his browser? Seriously? Why?

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

Don’t ask me that. I cannot give you an answer. It’s just weird that almost every site (I’ve checked about 10 of the bigger straight mgp/tgp) started losing traffic (according to alexa) all at once at the same time. I thought about a domino effect.

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

my guess would be less and less people use alexa, not that big sites are all losing traffic.

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

Alexa is strange at the moment. They actually have issued penalties to sites with a high % of tool bar users. Now, it looks like they are modifying their algorithm some more by penalizing sites that “digg” as well as social network traffic.

BlakeMason traffic is up, but our Alexa is down. Go figure.

I really only look at the Alexa ranking for the United States and the UK. :slight_smile:

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

Alexa is very deceptive. Our traffic is actually up just a bit over the same timeframe your link is for. Here is a screen cap from Google Analytics for the same time frame.

It’s not even remotely similar to what Alexa would have you to believe as far as our traffic goes. Maybe we are less popular compared to other sites on the internet, but I’m inclined to believe we are just less popular with Alexa toolbar users.


Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

Here’s why adult sites are losing traffic… Traffic rank #12 Traffic Rank #40 Traffic Rank #50 Traffic Rank #60

No one has to pay for porn anymore, they can get all they want for free! Between Tube sites, Bit Torrent and One Click Hosting sites like Rapidshare people are getting all they want for free.

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

I’ve posted this information before but we keep seeing people acting like they don’t know what’s going on and pretending like free porn doesn’t affect their porn sites in a negative way.

[QUOTE=Titanmen;23168]Here’s why adult sites are losing traffic… Traffic rank #12 Traffic Rank #40 Traffic Rank #50 Traffic Rank #60

No one has to pay for porn anymore, they can get all they want for free! Between Tube sites, Bit Torrent and One Click Hosting sites like Rapidshare people are getting all they want for free.[/QUOTE]

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

I wouldnt rely on Alexa too much, you might be able to spot trends but the way alexa is calculated shows things a bit out of its context. If a site is going down in rank it might only mean that its drop in the limited test audience they use.

Who knows?

The fact is that when I look at gaydemon’s alexa ranking and when I see ups and downs on there, it never correlate to what I see on Google analytics or my server stats.

Its fun to use, and it gives you a rough idea of what size and how popular a site is but thats about it.

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

So people with Alexa toolbars surf more free porn sites then average or it’s worse then Alexa shows it to be?

[QUOTE=gaydemon;23179]I wouldnt rely on Alexa too much, you might be able to spot trends but the way alexa is calculated shows things a bit out of its context. If a site is going down in rank it might only mean that its drop in the limited test audience they use.

Who knows?

The fact is that when I look at gaydemon’s alexa ranking and when I see ups and downs on there, it never correlate to what I see on Google analytics or my server stats.

Its fun to use, and it gives you a rough idea of what size and how popular a site is but thats about it.[/QUOTE]

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

Concerning Alex:

I have one domain that is like 250k and another that is like 130k. Looking at traffic stats, the difference in daily unique visitors is less than 100/day. Guess which one scores better with Alexa? The one that has the least traffic.

I would say that the accuracy after the top 1,000 sites is way off.

Alexa does monitor trends. But, trends against what? How many people “digg” your site? Oh… now sites that people “digg” get penalized. Hmmmm.

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

You now get penalized if a high % of your surfers use the toolbar.

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

The thing is, I’m sure I read somewhere they were no longer depending on the toolbar and the stats are from other sources now.

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

It’s now a mix… Toolbar + other data. Without the other data they wouldn’t know which sites have a high percentage of toolbar users.

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

do you tried ?

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?


I have noticed something is going on. A couple of my sites ( and gaypornengine) have gone down over the last few days / week. Thats without me doing ANY SEO changes.

I have a feeling something might have been or still is going on with Google. Maybe a reshuffle of SERPs. So it could be that Alexa is showing these signs of change.

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

I think it was last week that I said something was going on with google. It is getting crazy.

Let me put my tin foil hat on, but I think google is the ultimate evil, I don’t trust them, I don’t trust gmail, and I don’t trust their analytics, it all gets used to their own advantage.

One of the things coming to google is apparently user voting on popular sites, sorta like DIGG, how that will work, I have no idea, I picture 100 million people offering voting from different IPs.


I have noticed something is going on. A couple of my sites ( and gaypornengine) have gone down over the last few days / week. Thats without me doing ANY SEO changes.

I have a feeling something might have been or still is going on with Google. Maybe a reshuffle of SERPs. So it could be that Alexa is showing these signs of change.[/QUOTE]

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

ah sorry, I must have missed that thread.

The vote thing, isnt that already possible? In my google toolbar I got a happy face and unhappy face. Where i can vote for a site i visit.

[quote=deanb;23244]I think it was last week that I said something was going on with google. It is getting crazy.

Let me put my tin foil hat on, but I think google is the ultimate evil, I don’t trust them, I don’t trust gmail, and I don’t trust their analytics, it all gets used to their own advantage.

One of the things coming to google is apparently user voting on popular sites, sorta like DIGG, how that will work, I have no idea, I picture 100 million people offering voting from different IPs.[/quote]

Re: Is everyone losing traffic?

Alexa has been pretty good to UKNM over the past six months. :slight_smile:
