Has GWW shut down?

I’m getting a “No site configured at this address” at http://www.gaywidewebmasters.com/

Re: Has GWW shut down?

Same here…


Re: Has GWW shut down?

Your right it is gone.
I was just there yesterday to just see whats up there. It was still up then.
But I must admit that not much was going on there these days.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

I’m getting the same message for CondomCash http://www.condomcash.com whistle

Re: Has GWW shut down?

Business must be really good at the bar.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

well — gay wide webmaster (no s) was available a few days ago to register along with some other webmaster type domains that I know Lee owned. Hard to say what’s going on, but it seems the bar is indeed their focus now.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

I wouldnt have thought Lee would pull the paysites without telling affiliates. It could just be hosting problems. I remember he hard a hard disk crash a while ago.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

it was working just this morning. I’d say it’s a hosting issue

Re: Has GWW shut down?

As strange a place as that was, let’s hope there is some technical explanation

If nothing else, that place let us know who the bad guyz were in this biz.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

the bar?

Re: Has GWW shut down?

Lee and Gary bought a gay bar a few months back.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

I always thot GWW was kind of a Dry Drunk kind of place.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

I hope its just a temporary hosting or DNS issue. All the links going to the CondomCash paysites are giving the same error message.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

Hosting issue is my guess.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

WHOIS shows that he paid the bill last week!

Updated Date: 07-jul-2008
Creation Date: 07-jul-1999
Expiration Date: 07-jul-2009

Usually if there’s connectivity problems - like maybe a Hurricane is coming - Safari would just say it can’t open or find the page.

Having that specific an error page is troubling.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

I wrote Gary and got a response, the server is down and they are working to restore the sites ASAP.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

thanks, bec. i figured it was something like that because it wasn’t a host not found error - it was an actual error.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

Probably the pay sites first.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

Who do they host with? I have to say its not looking great for them. Once in a blue moon you can forgive but then its not that long agao that GWW was down with a hard disk crash. If I were Lee id be looking at more reliable hosting.

Re: Has GWW shut down?

I see its still down a day later. I would be moving to a new host at this point.