Dominic Ford: August Affiliate Contest

Starting today, August 1st, the affiliate with the most joins between August 1st and August 15th wins a 1/2 page ad in the September issue of ADULT Magazine (a $220 value)!

With over 13,000 subscribers (and growing daily) ADULT Magazine is exceeding expectations! Our readers are actively paying members of sites with many active in multiple sites.

Use your free ad to attract more visitors to your site and expand your brand. Plus your ad never goes away, all issues of ADULT are available forever!

Good luck and as always, thank you for your support!


Re: Dominic Ford: August Affiliate Contest

Attention Mods: I’m moving this post to the main forum for a day or so because I think it’s an important issue for board members to see and discuss. I’ll move it back to announcements in a day or so. If the big boss disagrees, he can move it back to announcements.

Hey Justin …

I always love contests, they’re a great way to get me interested and motivated to sell a site. Having said that, I bash my head against a hard brick wall when I see these kinds of “most join” contests because come September 1 you’re going to be saying, “And the winner is … Queer Click.”

Small, independent webmasters can’t ever compete with the biggies for a “most join” type of contest.

I currently send you no joins a month. I’ve tried your site a couple of times. I may have sold one or two here and there. If your contest was structured better, I would probably give it a whirl.

For instance, the affiliate with the highest improvement wins … or for brand new affiliates get a ticket for every five sales you send, tickets go in a hat and if drawn, you win … or unproductive affiliates, get a $10, $20 or $50 bonus for every five sales you send us above your currently monthly amount.

I think the purpose of a contest is to get affiliates who don’t produce much for you the incentive to try. In doing so, I might discover “Hey this site does sell for me” and then I become a regular promoter. It’s a win-win for both of us. But knowing that JUB or Queer Click or some other massive affiliate is already winning this contest doesn’t make me even want to try.

It’s not too late for you to rejig your contest and I encourage you to do so.

Re: Dominic Ford: August Affiliate Contest

Have to say I agree 100% with Michael on this.

I originally thought “oh goodie, a contest!” then I read the “most joins” and immediately thought “oh crap, it’s exclusively for the big boys who already dominate the business!” :no:

This is a great way to motivate 10% of your affiliates, while simultaneously disregarding the remaining 90% of your affiliates.

Now compare the revenue you gain from 90% of your affiliates compared to that gained through the small collection who send a lot of traffic, and I think you’ll find you’re not only annoying the vast majority of those who promote you, but you’re also potentially going to nullify the intention of this entire endeavor. Why would those 90% even bother to try?

You’re effectively giving away that ad spot for nothing. The big boys don’t need to compete for this, they can buy that ad outright.

So where is my motivation as one of those 90% to do anything differently, knowing that there are probably ten big boys who’ll be competing amongst themselves when they actually don’t even need to?

Re: Dominic Ford: August Affiliate Contest

I agree too. I’ll work with Justin to re-tool this idea so it works better for everyone. It was not intended to only reward the big guys. More to come, and thanks for speaking out on this!!

Re: Dominic Ford: August Affiliate Contest


Thanks for being some positively responsive on this, I’m going to get some posts up this week in anticipation …

Re: Dominic Ford: August Affiliate Contest

Thanks for speaking up as we always want to have a level playing field for everyone :slight_smile: Here’s our part 2 of the affiliate contest which I think offers a fair chance for all affiliates.

Along with the affiliate with the most joins between August 1st and August 15th we will also award a second 1/2 page ad to the affiliate with the highest percentage increase compared to their July joins.

  • 1/2 page ad in ADULT for the affiliate with the most joins from August 1st to August 15th

  • 1/2 page ad in ADULT for the affiliate with the highest percentage increase of joins from August 1st to August 15th compared to July

Cheers and thanks again for your input!

Re: Dominic Ford: August Affiliate Contest

Michael et al – does this make the content more attractive to everyone across the board now? I hope so!!

Re: Dominic Ford: August Affiliate Contest

That definitely appeals to me too!

Thanks for working on this guys, this is much better and now actually gives the majority something to aim for.

Re: Dominic Ford: August Affiliate Contest

Appeals to me, too. Thanks for making the changes.