Check out Mr. Man Playlists!

Hello Webmasters!

The Mr. Man staff have been working tirelessly to capture and compile the sexiest moments in male celebrity nudity from film and television. Our carefully curated playlists offer something for every celeb fetish such as, Chiseled Chests, Full Frontals of the Famous, 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon and Glorious Gay Scenes to name a few!

From Hollywood heartthrobs to the latest nudecomers, Mr. Man delivers one-of-a-kind celebrity entertainment experience with Mr. Skin’s signature brand of bawdy, boisterous comedy. If you’ve ever seen a gorgeous actor on-screen and wondered if they’ve done a nude scene, Mr. Man has the answer.
JoeManganiello from True Blood
Kevin Bacon in Wild Things

If you need any custom banners, or advertising tools, please get in touch with me! I am always available on Skype or ICQ.

