AVCHD Video Editing

I’ve made the move from MiniDV videos to recording onto SD cards (with the Sony VG10e) this week. It’s my first time working with the AVCHD format.

Now I usually use Final Cut Express 4 for editing the videos for BentleyRace. But it looks like I need to put the .MTS files the camera produces through some pre-processor to get them into a format that FCE will work with. There seems to be a lot of these pre-processors out there.

Can anyone give me any tips on what you have found easy to use? Please keep in mind I am using a Mac and Final Cut Express.



Re: AVCHD Video Editing

I am curious, too, as to what SONY has to say, as well as the VOD portals that work with DVDs that start from AVCHD files.

Re: AVCHD Video Editing

If you use the Log and Transfer under the file tab in final cut with the camera already connected to the mac you should be able to import the selected clips directly into final cut.

I hope this works for you.

Best Regards


Re: AVCHD Video Editing

This worked perfectly!

Thanks for the tip Simon. It saved me a lot of editing time.