Anyone need a writer?

Hello all!

I usually offer my services for new projects/clients in the first few months of the year, but a long-standing partnership is coming to a close so I have some extra time to fill. I know some of you are thinking about new sites/projects for the new year, so now is as good a time as any for me to put myself forward.

For any of you who might not know what I do… I’ve been a full-time freelance copywriter in this business for the past 13 years. I currently work with some well-known studios and some high-quality affiliates you all know.

I’m very experienced with regard to Wordpress, which might sound good or bad depending on your relationship with it.

I currently write extensive daily blog posts for several affiliates (original text, adding media and specified links, SEO considerations etc), front-end text descriptions for studios, affiliate content for studios, adult product copy, tube content, forum content and more.

While I started out specifically in the gay/bi male arena (as “GayContentWriter” might indicate) I have expanded a little into the trans/straight market in recent years and it seems to be going well.

My rates are very good. I would say my clients are also happy with the work I have done for them over the years.

Whether you’re an affiliate or studio and you feel my services might be beneficial, please send me a DM here or message directly via

I also understand that not every affiliate needs five posts a day, so even if you just need one a week from me we can make that happen. It all adds up! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your time, I look forward to working with some of you soon.

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Just a little bump.

After taking on some new clients (and welcoming back some old ones) I still have a little free time to fill. If anyone else needs anything please let me know.