2 tours 1 site

Sorry for the title, maybe it’s too cryptic. What do you think about multiple tours for one site? Could it make people confused about which tour using or could it help tweaking the ratio?

Re: 2 tours 1 site

we do that. it’s not to fool the surfers - it’s to let each affiliate choose the tour that works best with his/her traffic. we have a third tour on the way, and here are our current 2:



Re: 2 tours 1 site

[QUOTE=basschick;24414]we do that. it’s not to fool the surfers - it’s to let each affiliate choose the tour that works best with his/her traffic. we have a third tour on the way, and here are our current 2:



Great to hear that. Let me guess… the 1st one is doing better :wink:

Re: 2 tours 1 site

tour 1 is the one all webmasters guess.

actually tour 2 is kicking tour 1’s ass to the curb :wink:

Re: 2 tours 1 site

That was my guess :cool: