Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

You can’t pirate a hotel suite.

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

“Despite being sour on traditional pay site models, Private’s hotel idea provides a twist. The company will allow guests to stay for free if they allow their sex acts to be streamed, thus giving Private another revenue source by charging users to watch the live sex.”

Yet earlier in the article he states:

“free content is a new method or promotion whereby the company’s sites would reach millions of consumers and be ad-supported.”

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

Interesting to think of things that are always pirated - software, movies, music, porn, luxury clothing, perfume and even cigarettes. These are things people want or even addicted to but are not willing to pay full retail prices for. Perhaps they are over priced to begin with. The market-up on perfume is huge, like really huge.

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

But then many of those items wouldn’t be so attractive if they were cheap. The point of them is that they are expensive, it shows you can afford them and have money. Of course porn doesn’t quite fit into that… but we can always hope!

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

In Ontario (perhaps some other jurisdictions) the government fully owns the Liquor stores and the distribution of booze. They have something called socially responsible pricing which means there is a floor on the price of booze. The idea is to not price the product too low as to encourage over-use. Prices of booze are much cheeper in the US and often Canadians legally or illegally bring it back by the car load. This has caused huge smuggling and organized crime operations to flourish. In this case price elasticity is extremely distorted with some really bad side consequences. booze is always attractive when it’s free or cheep!

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

The concept of “loss leader” is not a new one. Godaddy, for example uses it very well. Basically in a nut shell that’s all its about.

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

Hey guys…

Not sure if anyone caught this yet. But this is a clarification from Private on the initial interview:


"There has been a lot of talk and speculation on the affiliate boards surrounding the interview ‘Private wants to be the Groupon of Porn.’ This statement is to clarify some of the points being discussed on the boards.

The strategy laid out in the article will not affect our current online business model, this will be a new venture where a small amount of content will be given as a freemium model to drive sales of discounted hard goods.

Times have changed and we must expand our business models to stay competitive in the marketplace."

Berth Milton

CEO & Chaiman
Private Media Group Inc[/I]

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

[QUOTE=mfBrent;87981]Hey guys…

Not sure if anyone caught this yet. But this is a clarification from Private on the initial interview:


"There has been a lot of talk and speculation on the affiliate boards surrounding the interview ‘Private wants to be the Groupon of Porn.’ This statement is to clarify some of the points being discussed on the boards.

The strategy laid out in the article will not affect our current online business model, this will be a new venture where a small amount of content will be given as a freemium model to drive sales of discounted hard goods.

Times have changed and we must expand our business models to stay competitive in the marketplace."

Berth Milton

CEO & Chaiman
Private Media Group Inc[/I][/QUOTE]

Thank for for providing the clarification Brent! You rock.

As you know it is very easy to be misquoted or the message taken out of context in interviews especially interviews with mainstream press that don’t not necessarily understand our business. Our current business models with / / will continues to operate as they always have.

If you open up the mind, the opportunity to address both profits and social conditions are limitless. It’s a process of innovation.

Please feel free to contact me direct with any questions or concerns.

BTW - Happy Friday everyone!


Jeff Dillon
Director of Online Sales
Private | GameLink | SureFlix
537 Stevenson Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Tel: 415-865-5143 Fax: 415-575-9708

AIM: esclave6969
Yahoo: dillonjeffrey
ICQ: 370224852
Skype: jeffreydillon

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

[QUOTE=JeffSF;87986]Thank for for providing the clarification Brent! You rock.

As you know it is very easy to be misquoted or the message taken out of context in interviews especially interviews with mainstream press that don’t not necessarily understand our business. Our current business models with / / will continues to operate as they always have.

If you open up the mind, the opportunity to address both profits and social conditions are limitless. It’s a process of innovation.

Please feel free to contact me direct with any questions or concerns.

BTW - Happy Friday everyone!


Jeff Dillon
Director of Online Sales
Private | GameLink | SureFlix
537 Stevenson Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Tel: 415-865-5143 Fax: 415-575-9708

AIM: esclave6969
Yahoo: dillonjeffrey
ICQ: 370224852
Skype: jeffreydillon[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the emails with us Jeff. We knew we could count on you :wink: And don’t forget, we still owe you and Lisa dinner and drinks! It hasn’t gone unforgotten! :slight_smile:

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

just to add that if anyone has been following the reports of the legal fight over at Private, they’ll realise that Mr Milton’s actions and comments should be read carefully…

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

I can’t see this working, mainly for two main reasons:

  • what luxury goods want their brand name to be synonymous with porn, esp any extreme or fetish porn? “See my Rolex, yeah I got to watch girls getting gagged by big black horse cocks for free thanks to it!”
  • ad-supported sites lead to lower quality sites very quickly. Case in point is all those shitty ad-word supported spam sites that google is now desperately battling to clean up in its results

But, hey, its a great headline and I am sure its already made him a lot of new sales and money!

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

The company is being de-listed from NASDAQ as the share value has dropped below their minimum limit of $1, I know people here in Barcelona who have lost their jobs from Private… making money is not how I’d describe their core business. The company lost Euro 2.5 million in the nine months to Sept 30, 2010. They cut 36% of the employee base. Cash is probably tight - so not really sure where the investment is going to come from for these new business models.

I like the GameLink and Sureflix teams, and do business with them. I just hope the drama in the centre isn’t going to drag them down.

Latest PR on financials:

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

Trust me i havent forgotten! We can just skip the dinner and go straight to the drinks. 666

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

[QUOTE=spankmo;88024]The company is being de-listed from NASDAQ as the share value has dropped below their minimum limit of $1, I know people here in Barcelona who have lost their jobs from Private… making money is not how I’d describe their core business. The company lost Euro 2.5 million in the nine months to Sept 30, 2010. They cut 36% of the employee base. Cash is probably tight - so not really sure where the investment is going to come from for these new business models.

The company is not being de-listed. just a warning. A company has to be under $1 for a year and even then the NADAQ could make an exception because so many tech companies stocks have taken a bad hit during the past 2 years.

Very true we did restructure our company to make it more efficient and reduce operational cost as most companies who produce content have. When you are making money hand over foot you can afford to have 3 people making boxcovers, but not in this day and age. With the down turn in the DVD market and companies not getting $10 - $20 every time a customer want to watch a movie (purchase dvd) it effects profits. This is especially true for a lot of the Gay studios who would get $25 - $60 per DVD. Now with VoD studios make less per consumer and with more and more consumer turning toward free content on tube sites and torrents sites it is even harder. Also, Private used to be a big magazine company no shock that no one in adult is profiting on paper these days.
I walked into the tattoo shop yesterday to get some new tattoos and one of the first things I overheard was one of the tattoo artist say to a customer “Why would you pay for porn when there is so much free porn out there.” Thankfully he wasn’t my tattoo artist so I got up on my soap box and explained to him that most of the free content out there is stolen and by consuming it is equivalent to stealing. And he wouldn’t like it if I came in and stole all his art work and gave it away for free.

Re: Private / MaleFlixxx wants all porn to be free!

In my opinion, I think the big straight companies like Private are just looking for any kind of publicity and P.R. Like Luke said, this makes for a great headline to some in the mainstream community, but I doubt Private will truly give that much away for free. In fact I remember seeing a P.R. from them not long ago in xBiz that they were suing a file sharing site for copyright infringement on their content. I personally wouldn’t pay much attention to any of the press releases Private gives to the mainstream media.